Health Tips

By GeraldOchoa

What are the Best Natural Antibiotics?

Best Natural antibiotics work?

Antibiotics are used for the purpose of destroying or inhibiting bacteria growth. Best Natural Antibiotics are often thought of as modern medicine. However, antibiotics have been around for hundreds of years. Natural sources are the source of many modern antibiotics.

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Some plant extracts, essential oils and foods can have anti-biotic properties. Some vegetable and food extracts, for example, can stop the growth of bacteria in food.

These properties can help with personal hygiene and extend beyond food. Cranberry extract is a natural home remedy for urinary tract infections (UTIs). It contains both antioxidant and antibacterial compounds.

Best Natural Antibiotics are also possible from herbs. An examination of 58 Chinese herbs revealed that 23 plants had antibacterial and 15 antifungal properties.

In 2014, a study showed that herbal treatment was as effective as a prescription antibiotic for treating small-intestine bacterial overgrowth disorders.

1: Honey

Honey is one of the oldest antibiotics known. It dates back to ancient times. Honey was used as a skin protector and natural antibiotic by the Egyptians.

Hydrogen peroxide is a component of honey, which could explain some of its antibacterial properties. Honey also contains high levels of sugar, which may help to stop certain bacteria from growing.

Honey also has a low pH. This causes bacteria to lose water and eventually die.

Honey can be used as an best natural antibiotics by being applied directly to the infected or wound. Honey can kill bacteria and speed up the healing process. Raw Manuka honey is best. This honey has the greatest health benefits. Here you can find raw Manuka honey.

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Honey can be ingested to treat internal infections. For a soothing treat, you can either take a whole teaspoon or mix it in a cup of herbal tea.

2: Garlic extract

Antimicrobial properties have been known for garlic for a long time. One 2011 study showed that garlic concentrate was effective against bacteria. Garlic concentrate and extract can be purchased at your local health food shop. You might also be able make your own garlic concentrate by soaking some garlic cloves in olive oils.

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Garlic is safe to eat, although large amounts can cause internal bleeding. Two cloves per day is acceptable. Follow the directions for taking a garlic supplement.

Before using garlic as an anti-biotic, make sure you consult your doctor if you are taking blood-thinning medications. The effects of blood-thinning medication can be exacerbated by large doses of garlic.

3: Myrrh extract

Myrrh is well-known to many, but it’s not as well-known for its ability to fight off germs.

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In 2000, researchers concluded that myrrh extract could be used to kill several common pathogens. This includes:

  • coli
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Candida albicans

Although myrrh is generally tolerated, it can cause diarrhea if ingested. It is possible to get a mild skin reaction from applying myrrh to your skin. Myrrh can cause heart disease if taken in large quantities.

Prepackaged myrrh comes in a variety of sizes, so make sure you follow the instructions on the label.

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4: Thyme essential oil

Thyme essential oil is used in many natural household cleaners. This oil has been proven to be particularly effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Researchers tested the effectiveness and safety of lavender essential oil and thyme essential oils in a 2011 study. The oils were tested against over 120 bacteria strains. Researchers found that lavender essential oil was more effective in killing bacteria than thyme oil.

Thyme essential oil can only be used externally. Thyme oil should not be taken by mouth. Apply the essential oil to the affected areas with equal amounts of carrier oil. Coconut and olive oils are common carrier oils.

Undiluted essential oils can cause skin irritation and inflammation.

5: Oregano essential oil

Carvacrol is an ingredient in essential oil of oregano. Inhaled, it has powerful therapeutic properties that activate healing. Oregano oil can be used to heal gastric ulcers, and to reduce inflammation.

Add one drop of essential oil of oregano to a teaspoon of carrier oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil, to treat fungal infections. The mixture should be applied to the affected areas.

To help with sinus infections, you can diffuse oregano essential oil in the air. It is not recommended to ingest essential oils of oregano or apply undiluted essential oils on the skin.

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A homemade cleaner made from:

  • oregano essential oil
  • vinegar
  • Water
  • Lemon